PCAN-Diag 2

22.03.2012  CAN诊断仪新固件版本 1.5.1 发布

With the new firmware 1.5.1, the PCAN-Diag diagnostics device allows to record incoming CAN traffic and save it to the internal memory card. Afterwards there are possibilities to play back the recording 1:1 to the connected CAN bus or to read it from a PC and convert it for further use. Export formats are PEAK's own trace format, that of Vector, and the CSV format. The latter is suitable for import into spreadsheets.

You can receive the current software package from us on request. It contains the new firmware 1.5.1, an updated and enhanced tool set, and adapted help files. For a detailed list of changes in version 1.5.1 and 1.5.0, see the history page.

In order to record on CAN busses with high bit rates and high bus load at the same time, a hardware upgrade is necessary for those devices being delivered until February 2012. If you are interested and for further information, please contact  info@hkaco.com.

PCAN-Diag 2 产品说明
PCAN-Diag 2 历史记录


   020-3874 4528 ; 3874 4538 | sales@hkaco.com
   广州虹科电子科技有限公司  版权所有
   华南理工大学 国家科技园 2-504
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